受保護的內容: ST5的調整脈波控制設定
If you want to login over RS232 you have to stop the firmware of the controller. How this is done is explained below. 1) Choose “Install Firmware” 2) Now take the script “StopFirmware”: 3) Before choosing the device port please switch off the 24VDC power supply of the controller. 4) Then press Ok and switch on the 24VDC power supply. Attention: you have around 2 seconds after pressing Ok to switch on the 24VDC power supply! 5) The following message shows, that you are now able to login. 6) You can now login as usual and change settings. As soon as you press reboot in LinMot-Talk the connection will be lost again.
運用LinMot內建磁性尺做為取像trigger =================測試設備=================LinMot G01LinMot B1100Dalsa PX4 seriesNikon 50mmAVA 2 – EM2 4010 =================硬體接線================= LinMot ——— Dalsa A+ (13.9) ——— A+ (紅) A- (13.2) ——— A- (橙) B+(13.10) ——— B+ (紫) B-(13.3 ) ——— B- (藍) OUT1(14.17) ——— Trigger+ (白) GND(14.1) ——— Trigger- (黑) =================測試小記=================1.應要有Trigger2.應以position為參考3.檯面剛性會造成量測有誤差
LinMot可以在到達定位時,輸出一個訊號,且能調整輸出的時機範圍 1.在Parameters>Motion Control SW>Motor Configuration>Monitoring>Status In Target Posion可調整:Position Deviation Set Limit(誤差範圍)Position Deviation Reset Limit(重設範圍)及Wait Time(等待時間) 2.然後選擇需要輸出的output腳位
LinMot調整PID可參考以下數值: Intergrator Limit及Maximal Current依照精靈設定不需調整 若載重較大時,可再調大P Gain的值,D Gain為P Gain的兩倍 若到定位時會有噪音,且可降低精度時,可調整Noise Deadband Width
You can set-up the encoder simulation in the motor wizard. I set up a system, too and it seems to work fine. Have you measured the A and B signal as different signals.Just to check the signal you can take two probes. Probe 1:GND: AMeasuring point: AProbe 2:GND: BMeasuring point: B So that will give you two signal In the end you will need encoder counting device. If the B-signal is in advanced then count positive, if B-signal is lagging count negative.If you do a 4x decoding then every count equals the resolution. As example if resolution is set up to 10microne by 4x decoding every count is 10micron. If you do just 1x decoding every count is 40micron.