

運用LinMot內建磁性尺做為取像trigger =================測試設備=================LinMot G01LinMot B1100Dalsa PX4 seriesNikon 50mmAVA 2 – EM2 4010 =================硬體接線================= LinMot            ———     Dalsa A+ (13.9)         ———      A+   (紅) A- (13.2)          ———      A-    (橙) B+(13.10)        ———      B+   (紫) B-(13.3 )          ———      B-   (藍) OUT1(14.17)   ———      Trigger+  (白) GND(14.1)       ———      Trigger-  (黑) =================測試小記=================1.應要有Trigger2.應以position為參考3.檯面剛性會造成量測有誤差


LinMot可以在到達定位時,輸出一個訊號,且能調整輸出的時機範圍 1.在Parameters>Motion Control SW>Motor Configuration>Monitoring>Status In Target Posion可調整:Position Deviation Set Limit(誤差範圍)Position Deviation Reset Limit(重設範圍)及Wait Time(等待時間) 2.然後選擇需要輸出的output腳位


LinMot調整PID可參考以下數值: Intergrator Limit及Maximal Current依照精靈設定不需調整 若載重較大時,可再調大P Gain的值,D Gain為P Gain的兩倍 若到定位時會有噪音,且可降低精度時,可調整Noise Deadband Width


You can set-up the encoder simulation in the motor wizard.  I set up a system, too and it seems to work fine. Have you measured the A and B signal as different signals.Just to check the signal you can take two probes. Probe 1:GND: AMeasuring point: AProbe 2:GND: BMeasuring point: B So that will give you two signal In the end you will need encoder counting device. If the B-signal is in advanced then count positive, if B-signal is lagging count negative.If you do a 4x decoding then every count equals the resolution. As example if resolution is set up to 10microne by 4x decoding every count is 10micron. If you do just 1x decoding every count is 40micron.

LinMot特殊訊號輸出設定(Range Indicator)

選擇Parameters>Motion Control SW>StatusWord>Range Indicator 1(2) 在這邊可以選擇Minuend UPID(減數)和Subtrahend UPID(被減數)的變數值 並設定其範圍 最後指定剛剛設定好的Range Indicator要顯示的IO

特殊訊號輸出設定-Range Indicator:調整目標位置範例

LinMot在輸出的部分有很彈性的功能:Range indicator可供使用 這邊以調整In Taget Position的範圍來做範例: 1.先到Parameters>>Motion Control SW>>State Machine Setup>>StatusWord 有Range indicator 1 和Range indicator 2 Minuend – Subtrahend兩個值相減後,若在Low 和 High 兩個範圍內,即亮燈(output) 2.若要Position的範圍,在Minuend旁邊點UPID選擇Actual Potion 3.然後在Subtrahend選擇Demand Position,也可直接在欄位輸入代號 4.最後調整Low 和 High 要的範圍

特殊訊號輸出設定-Range Indicator_調整目標速度範例

When making the motion from accelerating to the “constant velocity”… can B1100 controller send an “output” signal to Camera(or PC) while the motion is in “constant velocity”?It’s possible to do this with the “range indicator”. If the motor reached a certain speed, the controller can set an output. 1.選擇Motion Control SW>State Machine Setup>StatusWord>Range Indicator選項 第一項選擇需要的功能,到達最高速度為F4D8h 第三第四項可以調整範圍上限及下限 2.在需要輸出output的部分選擇Status Word: Range Indicator 1(或是2)

LinMot PS01相關影片及接線

LinMot PS01高速運轉 https://montrol.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/LinMot-PS01高速運轉.mp4結構輕巧簡單 接線時,藍色朝內