
Class4 & Class5 基本參數設定

SmartMotor Class4 & Class5: P, V, A, T參數值



SM23 系列為例


Class4 → SM2315D




T= +1023~-1023



Class5 → SM23165D

Class5  V改為VT , A改為ADT , P改為PT,

Class5增加了減速度參數,可以分別設定 AT (加速度),   DT(減速度)的參數值

VT = Velocity * ((enc. counts per rev.)/(sample rate)) * 65536
If the motor has a 4000 count encoder (sizes 17 and 23), multiply the desired velocity in rev/sec by 32768 to arrive at the number to set VT to. With an 8000 count encoder (size 34), the multiplier is 65536. These factors assume a PID rate of 8.0 kHz, which is the default.

→ VT=v*32768 ‘1rps=60rpm=>32768


ADT = Acceleration * ((enc. counts per rev.)/(sample rate^2)) * 65536

If the motor has a 4000 count encoder (sizes 17 and 23), multiply the desired acceleration, in rev/sec2, by 4.096 to arrive at the number to set ADT to. With an 8000 count encoder (size 34) the multiplier is 8.192. These factors assume a PID rate of 8.0 kHz, which is the default.
Note that ADTAT, and DT allow even numbers only. When odd numbers are used, they will be rounded up. The default values are zero.

→ ADT=a*4.096 ‘1rev/sec^2=>4.096

PT=p*4000  Set Target Position
The PT command sets an absolute end position to move to when the motor is in Position Mode. The units are encoder counts and can be positive or negative in the range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. It is not advisable to attempt to use absolute moves that would cross the rollover point of the most positive and most negative value. Also, absolute moves should not attempt to specify a move with a relative distance with that is more than 2,147,483,647. The end position can be set or changed at any time during or at the end of previous moves. SmartMotor™ sizes 17 and 23 resolve 4000 increments per revolution, while SmartMotor™ size 34 resolves 8000 increments per revolution.


T=frm Set Torque Value, -32767 to 32767
In Torque Mode, activated by the MT command, the drive duty cycle can be set with the T= command. The following number or variable must fall in the range between -32767 and 32767. The full scale value relates to full scale or maximum duty cycle. At a given speed there will be reasonable correlation between drive duty cycle and torque. With nothing loading the shaft, the T= command will dictate open-loop speed. A must be entered after the T= for the new value to take effect.